Student Name : Abdul Rahim Omer Al Amoudi
Book Title : Kidnap
Writer: John Escott
Publishing Company: It published by Oxford University
Date of Publication: It was published in 2005.
What is the genre of the book? (the kind of book- comedy, action, mystery etc.)?
It’s:- Action, Adventure, Thriller, Crime and Mystery.
What is the setting of the story? (place)
The story happned in Harper town and the forest.
Who are the characters in the story? (important people or things)
The characters are:-
------Tom -----------------Rita -----


Jodie-Anne Ryan -------Anastasia ---
------Joe -----------------Max --------What is the conflict in the story? (the problem)The problem is when Tom found the paper. The paper had a map
on the back. The map showed the location of a planned kidnapping.
What is the plot of the story? (the important events)Beginning
This is a story about Tom, an artist who makes a comic strip. He lives in America, near the town of Harper. It is winter time. He needs an idea for his comic strip story. He decides to go to the bookstore/coffee shop. There, he finds a map that someone dropped. He meets a woman, Rita, who sees the map. There are notes on the map that mention a time (12:30 pm), a place (high school), some initials, J-A and A, and a bodyguard. Middle
Tom wants to go to the police, but Rita suggests they find the school first. At the same time, a famous movie star, Jodie-Anne Ryan and her thirteen year-old daughter, Anastasia, are driving to a concert at a high school. Tom and Rita get into Tom’s car to find the school. It is almost 11:30. Tom and Rita stop at a gas station. It is 12:00. Here, Tom asks the clerk where the school is. She tells him the name of the school and that Jodie-Anne Ryan went there. He realizes that this is the J-A from the map and that the kidnap victim will be Anastasia. He goes back to the car and tells Rita. He says that they have to call the police, but his cell phone is dead. He asks Rita if she has a cell phone and she says, “No.” She tells Tom that she will go into the gas station to call the police. Then Tom looks in the back seat of the car and finds a cell phone and the same map in her coat pocket. He realizes that she is a kidnapper, too. She gets back in the car with a gun and tells Tom to drive. They drive to meet the other kidnappers. Tom is put in the back of the kidnappers’ van.
The kidnappers stop the van. They take Anastasia and put her in the back of the van with Tom. Then they drive away. The van skids on the ice, goes off the road, and hits a tree. Rita gets out of the van. She has a gun. She lets Tom and Anastasia out of the van. Tom jumps on Rita. She drops her gun. Tom and Anastasia run away. Rita gets up, finds her gun and follows them. She shoots at them, but misses. Anastasia and Tom come to a small bridge over a river. She crosses, but he slips and falls into the cold water. Rita follows them. When she is on the bridge, Anastasia throws a snowball at her, and hits her. Rita falls into the water. Suddenly, the police arrive. The bodyguard had phoned them. The police take Tom, Anastasia, and Rita back to their car. Back home, Tom has some new ideas for his comic strip.
How is the problem solved at the end of the story?Tom shows that he is very brave by attacking one of the kidnappers so that he can escape with the kidnapped girl. The police eventually arrive and they are saved.What was the best thing that happened in the story? Why do you think so?
Anastasia threw a snowball at Rita, the kidnapper, as she was crossing the icy bridge. Because Rita fell into the river and it was very funny.What is your opinion of the book? Give reasons.
It is a great story and beautiful because it was written in simple way.